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Nositel Nobelovy ceny za chemii prof. Lehn přednášel na TUL

Ondřej Havelka získal Cenu ministra školství ČR 2020

Markéta Klíčová vyhrála v soutěži Falling Walls Lab cenu publika 2018

Top 15 nejcitovanějších článků za posledních 15 let
- ADOLPH, C., M.G. ALEKSEEV, V.Yu. ALEXAKHIN, et al. 2012. II – Experimental Investigation of Transverse Spin Asymmetries in μ-p SIDIS Processes: Sivers Asymmetries. Physics Letters B 717 (4–5): 383–89.
- ALEKSEEV, M.G., V.Yu. ALEXAKHIN, Yu. ALEXANDROV, et al. 2010. The Spin-Dependent Structure Function of the Proton G1p and a Test of the Bjorken Sum Rule. Physics Letters B 690 (5): 466–72.
- ALEKSEEV, M.G., V.Yu. ALEXAKHIN, Yu. ALEXANDROV, et al. 2010. Quark Helicity Distributions from Longitudinal Spin Asymmetries in Muon–Proton and Muon–Deuteron Scattering. Physics Letters B 693 (3): 227–35.
- ČERNÍK, Miroslav, a Vinod Vellora Thekkae PADIL. 2013. Green Synthesis of Copper Oxide Nanoparticles Using Gum Karaya as a Biotemplate and Their Antibacterial Application. International Journal of Nanomedicine, únor, 889.
- EL-TEMSAH, Yehia S., Alena SEVCU, Katerina BOBCIKOVA, et al. 2016. DDT Degradation Efficiency and Ecotoxicological Effects of Two Types of Nano-Sized Zero-Valent Iron (NZVI) in Water and Soil. Chemosphere 144 (únor): 2221–28.
- FILIP, Jan, František KARLICKÝ, Zdeněk Marušák, et al. 2014. Anaerobic Reaction of Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron with Water: Mechanism and Kinetics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118 (25): 13817–25.
- KLIMKOVA, Stepanka, Miroslav CERNIK, Lenka LACINOVA, et al. 2011. Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles in Treatment of Acid Mine Water from in Situ Uranium Leaching. Chemosphere 82 (8): 1178–84.
- KOSTAKOVA, Eva, Laszlo MESZAROS, a Jan GREGR. 2009. Composite Nanofibers Produced by Modified Needleless Electrospinning. Materials Letters 63 (28): 2419–22.
- MICKOVA, Andrea, Matej BUZGO, Oldrich BENADA, et al. 2012. Core/Shell Nanofibers with Embedded Liposomes as a Drug Delivery System. Biomacromolecules 13 (4): 952–62.
- MUELLER, Nicole C., Jürgen BRAUN, Johannes BRUNS, et al. 2012. Application of Nanoscale Zero Valent Iron (NZVI) for Groundwater Remediation in Europe. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 19 (2): 550–58.
- REZANKA, Pavel, Klara NAVRATILOVA, Michal REZANKA, et al. 2014. Application of Cyclodextrins in Chiral Capillary Electrophoresis. Electrophoresis 35 (19): 2701–21.
- SERA, Božena, Petr Spatenka, Michal Sery, Naděžda Vrchotova, a Iveta Hruskova. 2010. „Influence of Plasma Treatment on Wheat and Oat Germination and Early Growth". IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 38 (10): 2963–68.
- SEVCU, Alena, Yehia S. EL-TEMSAH, Erik J. JONER, a Miroslav CERNIK. 2011. Oxidative Stress Induced in Microorganisms by Zero-Valent Iron Nanoparticles. Microbes and Environments 26 (4): 271–81.
- WACLAWEK, Stanislaw, Holger V. LUTZE, Klaudiusz GRUBEL, et al. 2017. Chemistry of Persulfates in Water and Wastewater Treatment: A Review. Chemical Engineering Journal 330 (prosinec): 44–62.
- YENER, F., a O. JIRSAK. 2012. Comparison between the Needle and Roller Electrospinning of Polyvinylbutyral. Journal of Nanomaterials 2012: 839317.
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