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Novinky v nanotechnologiích

Anticipating Trump, the bioeconomy prepares its pivot

Biobased chemical and fuel companies are emphasizing jobs, energy security

Aizen Therapeutics launches to develop mirror peptides

Mirror peptide–based biologics could be stabler than traditional peptide-based drugs

Celebrating strong relationships

ACS’s partner organizations brought together science, culture, and community at their annual conferences.

The push to mine gold without mercury

UN-backed group helps small-scale miners in the Philippines find a safer alternative–often sodium cyanide

How bacteria-infected mosquitoes reduced dengue cases

In Niterói, scientists note thousands of dengue cases averted in 2024—a record year for infections elsewhere in Brazil

Worldwide talk turns to controlling plastics

EPA releases US plastics plan as the last meeting to forge a UN plastics treaty starts

A macroscopic view of microplastic formation

Microplastics are everywhere, from the tallest mountains to the deepest depths of the ocean. Where do they come from, and how did they end up there?

Periodic Graphics: The science of beard products

Chemical educator and <i>Compound Interest</i> blogger Andy Brunning waxes poetic about the chemistry of facial hair care.

26.11. | Mirror peptide–based biologics could be stabler than traditional peptide-based drugs

26.11. | Biobased chemical and fuel companies are emphasizing jobs, energy security

26.11. | ACS’s partner organizations brought together science, culture, and community at their annual conferences.

26.11. | In Niterói, scientists note thousands of dengue cases averted in 2024—a record year for infections elsewhere in Brazil

26.11. | UN-backed group helps small-scale miners in the Philippines find a safer alternative–often sodium cyanide

26.11. | EPA releases US plastics plan as the last meeting to forge a UN plastics treaty starts

25.11. | Microplastics are everywhere, from the tallest mountains to the deepest depths of the ocean. Where do they come from, and how did they end up there?

25.11. | Amid controversial health care nominations, execs see Makary as ‘reasonable’

25.11. | Mounds of mismatched plastics data get an app for rapid comparison


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