13.03. | The volatility and flammability of jet fuel means the oil spill should be short-lived; long-term environmental impact is still unclear
13.03. | Lila Sciences seeks an AI model that researchers in any field of science can use
13.03. | Compound preferentially targets peripheral cannabinoid receptors and relieved pain in mouse studies
13.03. | North Carolina chemist receives award for discoveries that will help address climate, energy, and health challenges
12.03. | US Health and Human Services secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. directs the Food and Drug Administration to explore revamping its “generally recognized as safe” rule so that consumers know what is in their food
12.03. | Researchers have received atypical questions from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies
12.03. | The ACS member shared chemistry magic tricks backstage and got a second chance to compete in December
12.03. | Trump administration vows to rewrite the 2024 chemical accident prevention rule the requirement is part of
12.03. |
11.03. | Dispersa and AGAE advance glycolipids for cleaning and industrial uses